Bursa Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Lowongan Bank BUMN di Medan & Surabaya September 2009

. Selasa, 08 September 2009

Lowongan Bank Job; Trainer BNI Life Insurance
Job Vacancy september 2009
PT BNI LIFE INSURANCE (Subsidiary of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia), companies are growing rapidly and moving in the field of Insurance requires a dynamic professional, skilled and highly motivated to put in the position:

TRAINER (Placement Medan and Surabaya)

* Male / Female
* Age 25 - 35 years
* Graduate Psychology Education minimal / Bachelor of Management
* Minimum GPA 3.00 from PTN / PTS Famous
* Experience at least 2 years of work, preferably experience in the field of sales training
* Able to operate computer Ms. programs. Office, Power Point
* Has the ability to design training materials
* Has presentation skills
* Komunikatif
* Having a basic knowledge of the Life Insurance industry
* Having knowledge about insurance products, particularly basic knowledge about investing
* Ability to work overtime
* Having a loyalty & high integrity
* The ability to speak English actively
* The ability to speak Mandarin (for placement Medan)

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV Lengkap + FOTO Anda ke :

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Surat Lamaran

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